Saturday 30 July 2011

Upcoming Meat and Fire Night

You folks who know The Mr. and I well enough to know where we live (by invitation, not by some bizarre stalkerish behaviour) are invited to a Meat and Fire night on August 13th. You're welcome to arrive any time after 5:00 p.m., and things will go until people get tired and decide to fall over or go home. If you'd like to bring a food or beverage of some sort to share, that would be most appreciated, though by no means mandatory.

Anyone needing crash space should get in touch with me by email, or run it past The Mr. if that's more convenient. For those of you too far away to make it, we'll be thinking of you.


  1. I'll be thinking of you tooo..

  2. You might have to reconsider Meat and Fire. There's currently an open fire ban in the region.

  3. Eeee... In that case, it might be Meat and Outside if they decide to extend the ban past the long weekend. Either way, there will be a gathering of some sort. We have inside-space, if need be.
