Wednesday 3 August 2011

What a long, strange trip it's been

"Only one day is left, only one day. We are leaving the others; we are going away."-- Laibach, B Mashina

Camp Week is wrapping up. We’ve finished photographing, drawing, counting, washing, boxing, packing, shuffling, and captioning; tomorrow, we load stuff up and take it to either ACOR (the American Center of Oriental Research) in Amman, or to the Madaba Museum. After that, we’ll have time to play Tetris with our luggage and recent purchases. At about 11:00 at night, the bus will arrive (hopefully it will be the ParrotSquid Express, so named for the unintentionally-tentacled stuffed parrot hanging from the rear-view mirror) and we will head to the airport. In the wee hours of Friday morning, we will board the plane to Montreal, and from there, a handful of us will board the flight back to K-W. 

There will probably be a couple of follow-up posts when I get home, sharing some of the pictures I haven’t put up while overseas because of bandwidth limitations.

                It’s nice to go away, but it’s even nicer to come home. Jordan is awesome, but I miss my friends and family. Thank you for following my adventures. I look forward to seeing all of you (insofar as this is possible) when I return.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck packing up and enjoy the many rides home.. Wishing I was there to pick you up at the air port..
